I like photography, but have only taken one class in it. If you have any comments that would help me improve my work, please leave them. Thank you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Flustered bird

This little thing was stuck in my parents' basement window well. Maybe he was happy to be down there, but I don't think he was. I let a box down to see if he would hop in and I could pull him up. That didn't work. I let a rose bush trellis down so he could climb out on it. It started to get steep for him, but there were some long bush branches to help him up.
Needless to say, I saw him in there again, later. I put the trellis back in and he came out and hid behind the rose bushes, in a patch of morning glory. I just love the expression on his face and how he holds himself.
Tell me what you think of this picture. How would you do it differently.

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