I like photography, but have only taken one class in it. If you have any comments that would help me improve my work, please leave them. Thank you.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Yellow Day

Today, i decided to make a "Yellow" project. I took pictures of anything I wanted (if it was yellow) on my walk. I almost gave up after seeing 3 yellow automobiles and not much else sharing the same color, but then I caught glimpses of other yellow items and decided to press forward. :)

Beautiful yellow flower had some water in it! I love when I see this on flowers! What do you think of the composition of this picture?

Some yellow items I saw are compiled in this collage: Yellow pants, a yellow shirt, cars, school bus (of course), yellow caution tape, curb paint, and some sort of can of stuff...or what used to be stuff. I have no idea what it is. I could have looked - oh well.

This picture makes me think about life. (Sorry about the blur.) Notice, the child's wagon is yellow and bright. The adults' bikes are mostly dark and muted. In comparison, the yellow wagon looks so happy. The child doesn't even ride this - he walks, pulling it behind him. Sometimes this is how we see things - children love life and although they have their concerns, it is still happy and adults forget to see the little things that make life joyous. I know this isn't always the case, but sometimes we need to paint our bikes yellow, so to speak.


Bethany Anna said...

I love yellow... but that's cuz we used to play "bingo." But I have a yellow collage too. We need to compare notes.

Jeannine said...

Yes, let's do! (Okay, at first, when you mentioned "bingo" I had no idea how it connected, because I thought that you were talking about when we were little, little and played every General Conference. Don't worry. I got it, now." Anyway, let's do compare notes. I can't wait to see what yellow stuff you found!)